Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Founded on the principles of excellence in advertising, the Admark Media Group is a new force in its chosen field and an entirely Zambian company that is primarily allied with Outdoor Advertising, providing services that exceed customer expectations.

Being truly Zambian, we at Admark understand the Zambian mindset and setup and endeavour to bring out the best in our Branding and Advertising capabilities by understanding the targeted brand while projecting it in a way that will appeal to a wide range of clientele.

Combining the workmanship of qualified and talented personnel we are driven to deliver effective and long lasting results. This is made possible through direct liaison with the client, thus enabling us to digest the required brand and expectations of the foresaid client.


The Company excels in its relationship with major clients through providing quality Media structures and specialised Multi-media services which are:

Ø Outdoor Advertising  & Supply of Media Structures
Ø Large Format Printing
Ø Media Consultancy
Ø Corporate Branding
Ø  Graphics Design
Ø  Events Management